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吴沛恒 医师 Phy. Go Pei Heng



Dermatology, General Medicine


Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine


Guang Zhou University of Chinese Medicine


​Mahkota HQ

吴沛恒 医师 Phy. Go Pei Heng



吴医师是善德中医坊主治医师,马来西亚拉曼大学中医系讲师,中国温病专业委员会会员。曾受邀担任NTV 7《活力加油站》,988电台的特别嘉宾,主要普及大众,解说中医中药知识。

Summary Profile

Mr. Go Pei Heng has over 5 years of medical experiences in clinical medicine. He is a member of China Epidermic Febrile Disease Committee, lecturer of Department of Chinese medicine in Universiti of Tunku Abdul Rahman.

He graduated from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. He is a registered physician of Traditional Chinese medicine with the Ministry of Health of Malaysia and also a member of the Malaysia Chinese Medical Association. He is a doctoral student of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine.

He has been invited to be a special guest of NTV 7 "Living Delight" to promote Chinese medicine knowledge and giving talks nationwide to promote Chinese medicine.

Mahkota Cheras

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