若是发烧后不让它自行退去,自己把病气赶走的话,身体会变得非常疲倦、虚弱,但身体的抵抗能力却会逐渐变强,体质也有所改变. 一发烧就匆匆止住,等于是主动放弃抵抗,留下病根,日后病症反复不断. #康复之道 #时机把握关键
摸手脚温度,热或凉? 如果感觉热,可以不用太过担心. 但是,手脚凉的话,就要引起注意了. 根据《伤寒论》所言:凡厥者,阴阳气不相顺接,手足逆冷者是也. 手脚是阴气和阳气相接的地方,如果手脚不暖,身体的热量无法向外发散,体温还会继续升高. 这时要赶紧搓热手脚心,保暖或泡脚,可以用艾草和紫苏煮水来泡. 有时候不仅是手脚凉,整个身体都感觉寒冷,这时可以喝一些生姜葱白红糖水,很快就会有所缓解. #手脚温度 #保暖护身
口渴了吗,嘴巴湿不湿润? 如果口渴感不太明显,嘴巴保持湿润,就不需要过量饮水. 但是如果口唇发干,要注意多补充津液,特别是发烧时,水分的流失更快,需要更多的津液来维持水平. 米汤是一个很好的选择,它可以迅速补充津液,让口感湿润,还有助于排尿,将病气热气从小便中排出,同时也有助于养胃气. 如果发烧时间较长,可以在米汤中加点盐,喝起来不咸味即可. #口渴 #水分补充
精神状态如何? 精神状态好,吃得下、睡得着、能玩耍,一般问题不大;但如果状态不佳,那就多睡觉吧. 睡觉非常重要,可以减少其他能量的消耗,让身体正气集中精力对抗病毒. 这也是为什么体质好的人连续睡两天,发烧就自然退了,还感觉饥饿想吃东西,因为胃气自然恢复,身体自主修复. #精神状态 #良好睡眠
为脾胃减轻负担 发烧时适合吃一些粥、面条、汤或羹,这些软烂易消化的食物,可以减轻脾胃的负担,让身体更多地集中精力对抗病毒. 肉类、蛋类和奶制品不太容易消化,脾胃功能较差的人吃了可能导致积食,病毒未被完全清除,再占用能量对内部产生更多的消耗,康复变得更加困难. 有些发烧时,身体已有积食问题,尤其是小朋友。 #脾胃负担 #发烧食谱
Fever, the body's secret weapon against the chilly intruders! Timing is everything in coaxing out that cold and dampness. Did you know that a fever is like a superhero power-up, turning stored energy into a heatwave to combat the pesky illness?
Once the battle is won, and the fever subsides, your body might feel like it just ran a marathon—exhausted, drained, but also armed with a boosted immune system and newfound resilience. Surrendering too soon, however, is like inviting the enemy back in. The key? Perfect timing and a strategic approach to fueling your body.
Check those extremities – Hot or Cold? If they're warm, no worries. But if they're cool, it's time to take action! According to the ancient "Shang Han Lun," cold extremities signal a disruption in the harmony of Yin and Yang. Warm up those hands and feet to disperse heat and prevent your body temperature from rising!
Thirsty or Not? Dry Mouth Check! If you're not terribly thirsty and your mouth is still moist, you don't need gallons of water. But if your lips are getting dry, it's time to moisten up. Ginger, scallion, and red sugar water or a comforting rice porridge can work wonders. Keep that hydration game strong!
Mood Check – Happy or Nah? If you're feeling chipper, eat, sleep, and play away! But if you're not, indulge in some quality sleep. Sleep is a superhero move, concentrating your body's energy to fight off invaders.
Keep an Eye on Nature's Calls – How's the Urine and Stool? If things are getting a bit dry or sluggish, a concoction of radish, pear, and pomelo might just do the trick. And don't forget acupressure on Dazhui and Feishu to help dissipate that heat!
Lighten the Load on Your Stomach – Opt for Easy-to-Digest Foods! During a fever, go for porridge, soups, and easily digestible foods. Avoid heavy meats and eggs that might burden your stomach. For those with a tendency for food stagnation, a gentle herbal remedy might be your ally.
Master the art of timing, and your body will thank you for a speedy recovery! #FeverFighter #ImmuneBoost #wellnessjourney