10/9/2023 安宁疗护慈善市集 Kasih Hospice Charity Fair 2023
2023年9月10日,善德中医坊团队有幸参与由Kasih Hospice Foundation主办的慈悲安宁疗护慈善市集。当日我们的团队通过提供中医咨询、针灸及整骨服务,为基金会筹款。当天参与义诊的有吴沛恒医师、沙菲艾泽医师、李文善医师及善德助理团队。我们由衷感谢主办方的信任,让我们通过自身的专业为慈悲安宁疗护慈善市集出一份力。衷心感谢大众给予的支持及信任,希望有机会再次合作!
On 10th September, Our team was involved in Kasih Hospice Charity Fair 2023 organized by Kasih Hospice Foundation at The Club @ Bukit Utama PJ. We raise funds through providing TCM Consultation, Acupuncture & Bone setting for the visitors. Physician involved are CMP Go Pei Heng, CMP Shafiq Izzat, CMP Lee Boon San and also our assistant team. It was our pleasure to be in such significant event to render our services for those in need. It has been a great time for us and we hope to see you again!
