善德中医坊合作伙伴 - Recruiting for Cooperation Partnership
为了推广中医知识、以中医疗法保健、提供优质的中医坐月体验、普及中医文化,现善德中医坊正招收合作伙伴。以下为我们的长期合作伙伴~ 善德中医坊欢迎有兴趣发展中医的月子中心、养老院、慈善机构等与我们联络洽谈合作事宜。
欢迎拨打:03-90112228 或通过我们的面子书与我们联系。
Recruiting for Cooperation Partnership
To promote health awareness, offering TCM healthcare services, providing high quality confinement services, popularize Chinese Medicine culture, hereby we are welcoming any companies who wish to cooperate with us, such as Confinement Center, Nursing Home and Charity Organisation.
We are reachable by: 03-90112228 or message us through our Facebook page.