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蔡伟聪医学博士 Dr. Choy Wai Chong





Tian Jin University of Chinese Medicine


Guang Zhou University of Chinese Medicine


Mahkota HQ, Taman Equine

蔡伟聪医学博士 Dr. Choy Wai Chong

毕业于天津中医药大学学士学位。荣获中国政府奖学金攻读硕士,毕业于天津中医药大学硕士。马来西亚卫生部注册中医师以及马来西亚中医总会永久会员。 荣获广州中医药大学博士学位。


曾荣获天津中医药大学针灸技能比赛一等奖,在国内外曾多次发表医学文章及在大众书局 (Popclub) 杂志撰写健康专栏,并受邀担任ntv7活力加油站特别嘉宾讲解中医知识。在全国各地公开讲座讲解颈椎病,中医药知识等讲座。

Summary Profile

Dr. Choy Wai Chong has over 8 years of medical experience in clinical medicine. He is a council member of the China Bee Needle Therapy Society. He is now a lecturer in Department of Chinese Medicine in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. He graduated from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a bachelor's degree. He won a scholarship from the Chinese government to study master's degree in Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is a registered physician of traditional Chinese medicine of the Ministry of Health of Malaysia and a permanent member of the Malaysia Chinese Medical Association. He is graduated with doctoral degree from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine.

He has won the first prize of Acupuncture Skill in Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Dr Choy has authored few publications and published numerous medical articles in the Health Column in Popclub magazine. He was invited to serve as the special guest of “Living Delight” in NTV7 to promote the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine and giving talk on cervical spondylosis and knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine throughout the country.


Mahkota Cheras, Equine Park

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