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女性痛经一定是宫寒? 错!










痛经的治疗一定要在 【月经前】进行,经期时也需要用药。只在疼痛时才用药,效果不显著




Trimedic TCM Gynecology

Most of the people believe period pain must be related to "cold", but that's not true. In TCM perspective, period pain is related to:-

-Blood stasis due to cold

-Qi & Blood Deficiency

-Qi stagnation & Blood stasis

-Blockage due to damp-heat

There are various of reasons, thus it's not recommend to take in non registered supplements / pharmaceutical products. Doesn't mean taking more ginger products/brown sugar or take in more tonic food will help relieve period pain, conversely, it will cause more symptoms or worsen the period pain.

How TCM helps?

Through 4 diagnostic methods (Inspection, Listening & Smelling, Inquiring and Palpation), TCM practitioner assess patient's state of health & her body constitution. Then prescribing herbs / acupuncture according to her condition

When is the best time to visit TCM?

For period pain, it's advisable to come BEFORE menstruation. The treatment make take few sessions to few months based on patient's condition


Do I need to avoid certain food?

YES. Your TCM practitioner will advise you on which to avoid.

Menstruation plays a very important role in female's health, don't ever ignore your pain!


Trimedic Healthcare Centre Bdr Mahkota Cheras

Tel: 03-9011 2228

Add: 8G, Jalan Panglima, Off Persiaran Mahkota, Bdr Mahkota Cheras, 43200 Cheras, Selangor. (Find us on WAZE!)


Trimedic Healthcare Centre Tmn Desa

Tel: 03-79712680

Add: No.25, Jalan 109E, Desa Business Park, Taman Desa, Off Jalan Klan Lama, 58100 KL. (Find us on WAZE!)

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Bandar Mahkota Cheras (Head Quarter)

8-G, Jalan Panglima, Bandar Mahkota Cheras. 43200, Selangor.

Tel/WhatsApp: 03-90112228

(Trimedic Healthcare PLT LLP0019705-LGN)

Taman Desa Branch Address: 
No.25, Jalan 109E, Desa Busi
ness Park, Taman Desa, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58100 KL.

Tel/WhatsApp: 03-79712680

(Trimedic TCM Centre PLT LLP0019657-LGN)

Equine Park Branch Address

No.17, Jalan Equine 9C, Taman Equine, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.

Tel/WhatsApp: 0 10-2208020

(Trimedic TCM Equine PLT LLP0033592-LGN)

Ara Damansara Branch Address:

L-G-7, Jalan PJU1A/41B, NZX Commercial Centre, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Tel/WhatsApp: 03-78866808

(TCM Trimedic Petaling PLT LLP0036179-LGN)

Subang Jaya Branch:

D1-00-03,Subang Perdana Court 4, Persiaran  Kewajipan, 47610, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

Tel/WhatsApp: 010-2651283

Trimedic TCM Subang PLT 202404001315(LLP0038803-LGN)

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Mahkota Cheras

Monday - Friday

10.00AM - 1.00PM;

2.00PM - 5.00PM;

6.00PM - 9.00PM


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9.30AM - 7.00PM

Taman Desa

Monday - Friday

9.00AM - 7.00PM


Saturday & Sunday

9.00AM - 5.00PM

Equine Park

Monday - Sunday

10.00AM - 1.00PM;

2.00PM - 5.00PM;

6.00PM - 9.00PM

Ara Damansara 


10.00AM - 7.00PM

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9.00AM - 5.00PM

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9.00AM - 7.00PM

Subang Jaya

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10.00AM - 1.00PM;

2.00PM - 5.00PM;

6.00PM - 9.00PM

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